Ron Roland

03-06-2020, 22:29

+0 -0  

That's good. Thanks. Need a little encouragement these days, as these same enemies are now working within us.

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James C. ( J.C. ) Wheeler

02-06-2020, 19:05

+1 -0  

We Were There

We were there, so long ago,
To fly our mission, low and slow.

Our mission to others, was unknown,
We flew unarmed, and all alone.

Both day and night, we would fly,
To locate Charlie, so our men won't die.

Of our mission, we dared not speak,
Big ears were listening, the prying sneak.

On each other, we did depend,
So all would come home, in the end.

Yet big guns shooting, from below,
Some would take, someone we know.

When we returned, few would care,
While others cursed, yelling how you dare.

For we were sent, by our nation,
We did our job, without hesitation.

We did our job, We did it well,
So long ago, only now, can we tell.

James C. Wheeler MSgt Ret.
email [email protected]


02-06-2020, 16:40

+1 -1  

Lee Bargeron

Arrived at na tang (Nha Trang) Sept 66 and worked my ass off building bunkers for a month. Then we were assigned to the AC-47 line till the first EC-47 arrived. We had to take down tent buildings to make room for our squadron line shack. Don't remember the date of the first arrivals. Worked the evening shaft. We worked till every plane was bedded down and ready for flights. Lost two flights during that year, those were long and sad nights. The first was the one the right-wing fell off, the other hit a mountain.

Left Aug 67. The sqd commander had to go to T S Nhut for some meeting so he said let's take your airplane, i said aaaahhhhh ok!?

One close call one flight took a .30 cal. round right thru the flight mechanics desk, between his legs. And yes, he didn't fly for a few days.
I was Airman First on return to stateside, assigned to a VIP squadron at Dobbbin AB. They assumed I was on my second hitch, had the 5-level rating and third stripe before two years of service. After a short talk with the line chief, after they passed me over for staff, I realized why they had been so cold to me. I resigned that day and explained to them that I had not reenlisted...that was my enlisting date!!

Sorry to dump so much, but that was so unprofessional. I was planning on staying in.
But I enjoyed a good life because of the training I received. l worked for Lockheed Martin for 30 years (off and on) retiring as a final inspector on the F 22 program.



28-05-2020, 05:15

+0 -1  

I was standing there when the first EC dropped in at natang 1966

Ron Roland

26-05-2020, 16:38

+0 -0  

Yeah, most people knew nothing about the mission we had. The planes were just old Goons - that cost more than that new F-4 (nothing against F-4's, flew them for 12 years in the late 70's and 80's). The age, lack of excitement factor, a guard on duty, and "secret" stamped on the cover of the aircraft forms, meant we always got second shrift. Interesting, your work with the Vietnamese immigrants. We had a pilot (Burke, I think) who used to go out to the local villages and help them. I always meant to go with him. then one day he didn't come back on tail number 1133. The road to "you-know-where" is paved with good intentions. Gotta' watch those C-141 guys . . .

Micheal Floyd

26-05-2020, 02:19

+0 -0  

I helped keep your radios and intercom on the aircraft functioning Jan 68 - Jan 69. Enjoyed debriefing on the flightline right after you guys cut engines after returning from a mission. USAF preached Preventive Maintenance. Feel like we practiced it. We had a maintenance officer named Roper in those days. Since we were attached to the RF 4C wing he had to attend maintenance meetings at wing headquarters each Monday. I understand they were frustrated that flying overloaded WW II Gooney Birds we had better records than the new mid 60 RF 4C aircraft.
I have an Antique Airline cigarette lighter. Still new. It has never had lighter fluid in it.
A couple of memories. Pulling a power unit across the taxiway between aircraft one night. Many times we dragged them by hand when the maintenance truck wasn't available. Also no or minimal ground lighting on the flightline to avoid being targeted. Anyway I'm about midway across the taxiway and looking at the deployed landing gear on a C 141 about to land on the taxiway. Do I abandon the power unit and run for it. Or pull like hell and hope to get out of his way. I decided to go for getting the power unit off the taxiway. Figured I would probably lose and create a big mess running for it and abandoning the power unit. I got lucky. Someone evidently notified the crew they weren't over the runway. So they pulled out. So here I am to tell about it fifty-two years later. Hard to imagine it's been that long.
I was privileged to work with children of some of the Vietnamese immigrants prior to retirement. These were young engineers who made good on their opportunity. Made me finally feel my time in Nam had purpose and reward.

Terry Markley

25-05-2020, 17:25

+0 -0  

I was an A207x1 at Det 3, 6994th at NKP. I flew 111 missions on the EC-47 from 30 Sep 69 - 30 Sep 70. My year at NKP was definitely a highlight of my 26 years in the military.

Kelly R Zadakaus

14-05-2020, 12:30

+0 -0  

292X1 IRO and SEFE at Pleiku AB March 03, 1967 - July 28, 1968. Privileged to have met and flown with some of the finest people on God's green earth. We worked hard and played hard.

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